Manage all your hard money loans at scale

Lendr helps hard money and private money lenders overcome the headache of managing multiple loans using an all-in-one tool.

Confused loan app wheel

Does this look like you?

Most lenders have a hodge-podge toolkit comprised of Google Sheets, OneDrive, and who knows what else.

Loan files and documents get emailed back and forth. It's clunky and things get misplaced. Not only is this disorganized, but it's not scalable.

From loan creation to servicing, we've got you covered

That's okay. It's where most lenders start. But it's time to upgrade to a modern solution.

Introducing Lendr. Managing multiple loans can be overwhelming, especially when you’re using outdated tools. Lendr simplifies the entire process, providing you with an intuitive platform designed to scale with your business needs.

Screenshot of loan approval process
Screenshot of loan approval process

Run your entire business with the click of a button

Originate and service loans from a single dashboard

Generate dynamic loan docs, payoff letters, and more

Manage online application submissions

Generate term sheets and send via DocuSign

Collect payments from borrowers with ease

Unlimited document storage and management

Track investor capital and mitigate risk

Automated Tax Statements

...and so much more.

Download our
Investor Pitch Deck

Check out our FREE Investor Pitch Deck, which we've personally used to raise millions in capital.

Ready to work together?

We equip lenders with the tools to effortlessly scale their lending operation.